Monday, July 20, 2009

Sure, take all the credit Mitchel. I can see Trev in the background wanting to take the pic with his fish

Another nice shot made by me! I let Mitchel reel it in. That way he would not cry

This is the deadly gar killing crew I had with me

Noah likes to sleep in. Uncle Ron Does not like when Noah sleeps in.

This was the biggest cat we caught down at Rend Lake. And wouldnt you guess, Noah caught it.

Im not sure what to say, Mitchel is nuts

We like to call him out little rere

Looks as if Noah has finally figured out how to catch fish

This is the largest bass Mitchel has ever caght! Wait a minute.... Noah caught this fish and Mitchel posed for the pic
Trev thinks he is soooo cool. Look he can jump and pretend to be on a knee board

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