Sunday, August 29, 2010

Just for the hell of it pics

Here are some pitures Hannah and I picked out for the day. As you may already know, Hannah is the girl Mitchel is sweet on. Sometimes we have her over and it's usually not fun. She can be rude, she dresses funny and she sometimes smells like Swedish meatballs. Not to mention she doesn't always take the best pics. example:

Hannah gets a little upset when she has a bad picture, get over it chic. But thanks to me being so awsome, I can make Hannah beautiful, see:

Now let's get past Hannah and make this worth my time and your enjoyment and get to real pics. Hannah is picking first. OK Hannah left teh room so I picked the picture for her.

This is Mr. Butterfly. I'm sure he is dead now, but he did an awesome job posing for this picture


Look at all these losers around me... except him and him and.... nevermind, at least I placed third in State.

I'm sick of this S*&t, Mitchel getting medals in state.

Bring on the B*tches, cause i'm a sexy fool

Look, it's trevor the friendly ghost

Oh look, it's my family. I love them crazy people!

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