Sunday, September 12, 2010

Spartans Kick Ass!!!!!!

I like to have pictures to post from the game. Today will be one of the games were Missy messed up and did not tell me to grab my memory card for my camera. You see, I'm slow and need direction. Had she let me buy a camcorder for the games, this would not have happened!!!! So everyone tell Missy "Thanks Missy",
Oh, and just in case you don't know, Spartans kicked the Warriors asses today. It was a beating that the team will not soon forget! Even the Spartans "B" team held back and scored on the Warriors "A" team. HAHAHAHAHAHA

SPARTANS RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well the good news is I do have a new picture of Hannah! She knows she is awesome. No need to tell her this is a good picture of her, she already knows!

1 comment:

Tammy said...

I don't know why this thing is making me do t his 3 times but way to go Missy for not "directing" ron properly this week. keep it up and it will be your fault that he has no probably already is.